Reboot Alberta

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Dave Hancock Starts Candidate Blog - Other Candidates Starting Too.

So Dave Hancock (Edmonton Whitemud) has entered the blogosphere and is posting as The Daily Dave. Sweet. I see Janet Hancock has done the most recent post. Lots to talk about in any election campaign and with -30 it is tough to get at the doors – but all candidates are up for that and into it.

A candidate blog is going to be a pretty good supplement to door knocking I think. I know PC candidates Wendy Andrews (Edmonton Riverview) and Heather Klimchuk (Edmonton Glenora) are starting up candidate blogs too. I will let you know how to connect to them shortly

Check out Dave Hancock's Blog and be a regular reader. If I know Dave, and I do, it will be a read well worth your time.


  1. Don't you mean Dave has entered the blogoshere?

  2. Shure Do Andy...He spels like I due sumtimes.

  3. Anonymous10:21 pm


    I see that the link you have for Dave's blog is not working. The blog is found at and for subscribers, the feed is found at

    Like you, I think that we will get lot's of great commentary from Dave, he really seems to be enjoying his blogging!

  4. Thx Chris - I will fix it.

  5. Anonymous12:50 pm

    It's really unfortunate that Dave's blog doesn't allow his readership to leave comments. I think he is missing an excellent opportunity for a dialogue with his electorate. Right now, it reads more like a series of press releases.

    Other candidates use Facebook to interact with Albertans. In particular, I have noticed some unkind remarks posted on Taft's page in the past. Instead of deleting them, he usually responds to the poster's concerns with information about his party's stance on the issue of concern. I think this type of dialogue (while more risky in terms of image management) is a much better way to engage Alberta voters than a one-way blog.

  6. I agree eh! Blogs are about the conversation...therefore comments are a good idea...moderated for taste and legalities of course.


Anonymous comments are discouraged. If you have something to say, the rest of us have to know who you are