Reboot Alberta

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Chris Craddock On Stephane Dion

There is a new way to see the Canadian elections - through the eyes of creative citizens who are engaged. You should be too. I love this reality take on Dion. He is the best choice. Harper is a clear and present threat to democracy in Canada


  1. I really like the comment "Grow up, it's not the Prom." I don't know who is running the Conservative "War" Room, but I think it is time to send the children to bed so the grown-ups can discuss the serious issues.

  2. Anonymous12:00 am

    Is it easy for you to make priorities?

  3. Priorities are not easy for me. Are they easy for you?

    When you eagerly and honestly engage on the issues you soon see how they all connect to each other and how complex the relationships really are. Then priortization is a tad difficult to say the least.

    If you choose to only see one side, if you choose to ignore contrary evidence and presume half-truths are enough to make critical decisions, a la Steve Harper, then priorities are simple. The choices that get made are usually stupid, wrong and sinister too.

    Harper is the epitome of the Conservative campaign K.I.S.S. Principle: Knowledge Ignored Supports Stupidity!

    He is not a leader. He is a misleader.

  4. Anonymous11:06 am

    Here is a reality check thanks to Mr. Kinsella:

    Ipsos: Conservatives 38%, Liberals 29%, NDP 13%, Green 11%, Bloc 8%

    Nanos: Conservatives 38%, Liberals 31%, NDP 14%, Green 9%, Bloc 9%

    Ekos: Conservatives 37%, Liberals 26%, NDP 19%, Green 10%, Bloc 8%

    Harris/Decima: Conservatives 41%, Liberals 26%, NDP 14% , Bloc 9%, Green 8%

  5. Anonymous6:55 pm

    Harper is almost as great a leader as George W. Bush, whose policies have ushered in an era of unprecedented democracy in the middle east.

  6. Anonymous7:52 pm

    Hey Ano! Exactly what do the poll numbers have to do with this clever video? Why don't you tell us who you are (we know what you are...a Con troll)? Grow a pair and tell us your real name!

    Loving Chris Craddock - "Dion's smart...kind...elect him".

    And squiggle on the n.


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